Saturday, March 28, 2015

And Yet Another Kickstarter Product.....................

I pledged a new Kickstarter two nights ago!  I already have plans to use these materials in upcoming movies.  It should work really well with HeroQuest and other models.  I might even be able to re-enact the temple theme from the movie AVP once I get the AVP game from Prodos.
Take a look at this kickstarter:

   Introducing phase 1 of Dungeonmancer a new truly revolutionary modular game board building system, made of durable highly detailed and precise interlocking resin cast parts, mechanically designed to increase functionality and empower you with the creative freedom to build custom game boards for whatever game you choose to play and how you choose to play it. The Dungeonmancer system gives you an unprecedented level of modularity and control, you can easily construct a one-off  (one-off : refers to a one time hand built custom terrain piece much like a diorama) quality game board without the disadvantages of actually having to build or use a one-off. 
Dungeonmancer Core System
Dungeonmancer Core System
Part Dimensions
Part Dimensions
Due to the temporary bonding mechanics, Dungeonmancer can be easily assembled, disassembled and reassembled over and over in various combinations. Construction is easy and simple to understand, similar to that of children's building blocks. This mechanic also lets you break down larger builds for storage or transport in whatever way best suits your play style. Board sections can be assembled and staged pregame so no in-game time is wasted for board construction. Because the parts interlock, when a new section or part is added the entire structure will function as a single object with no shifting or moving of individual pieces during normal game play. In fact, depending on the overall size of the build, the entire structure can be rotated or moved on the table to gain access to hard to see or reach board areas making multi-level game boards a more practical option. Multi-level buildings also maximize our tabletop real estate so we can have larger builds with a much smaller footprint giving us more room for gaming materials.
      Dungeonmancer is a cross game platform terrain system, this means, for example, you could build a dungeon for an RPG one night and a fortress for a war game the next, all from the same parts just assembled in a different order. This system eliminates your need to own multiple types and sets of terrain for all of the different games you play. Add to this the power of compound combinations and you get increased longevity, endless possibilities and a far better return on your investment than other terrain systems. 
My floor tiles are 1-1/4" not 1". A 1" tile was adequate in the past, however, todays miniatures have more dramatic poses and most custom bases are larger than 1" so switching to a larger tile just makes sense. Another difference is in my casting and mold making process, other systems parts are cast from molds made from a single master part and so each casting is an exact clone of the original so, for example, you have 30 wall sections and each wall has the exact same stone that has miraculously cracked or chipped exactly the same as the stone on each other piece. So you end up with a mechanical and patterned look this results in an unnatural feel. Dungeonmancer's parts have multiple masters each with its own unique finger print of cracks and distress markings. This gives a natural and organic feel to your creations.
This does not mean every part is unique but it significantly minimizes the chance of patterns occurring. This means more work and time on my end, however, I believe it is this kind of attention to detail that sets Dungeonmancer above the rest. With your pledge and support Dungeonmancer will forge a better tabletop gaming experience for us all.
Product durability was at the top of my list of challenges when I began designing Dungeonmancer, I have tested each and every part to ensure that it is going to perform as advertised and beyond. After all what good is it to anyone to have a great looking system if it does not work, or worse, breaks after falling off the table. The following videos should address any concerns you may have.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Wrath of Kings: The March of the Minis unboxing movie is now posted.............

Good evening!  The day has finally arrived.  The Wrath of Kings unboxing film is now complete and posted to my YouTube channel.

Wrath of Kings was offered through Kickstarter by Cool Mini or Not. 

CMON rewarded their pledgers with over 220 miniatures.  The game is huge.  This film is an entertaining unboxing with a unique perspective based on the delivery I received from Cool Mini or Not.  In this film I debut the ADP 'mini' Factory.  This is a concept I plan on using during other films. If you like the factory terrain, follow this link to my blog which has step by step instructions on how to build your very own:

Making this movie took many long nights of marathon model assembly and stop motion filming.  Please let me know if you enjoyed it.  Thanks for watching!  

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wrath of Kings Unboxing/Assembly Update...........

I am about to start filming the second half of my animated Wrath of Kings unboxing.  I finished assembling all 220+ Wrath of Kings models.  I have to say, these are some high quality models!  The sculpting work is fantastic and many of the models are quite large.  These will be a pleasure to paint and base.  Their sculpting quality will allow for a highly detailed paint job.  Painting the details will be a breeze.  

This unboxing video is turning into one of my favorites.  I will be introducing a new concept to my videos as well as maintaining some traditional ADP style.  This project has been a huge undertaking but I am glad I've made it this far.  

The House of Goritsi is my favorite group of models.  It was hard to choose a favorite among all of these fantastic models, but the Werewolf sculpts are brilliant.  They are also 2-3 times the size of the basic infantry models in this game.  I am really pleased with this game so far.  Now let's see if I can find the time to actually play the game. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Ninja Turtles or Not Ninja Turtles........You be the judge!

I found an article on Beasts of War pertaining to a new line of miniatures in Europe.  These models seem to be inspired by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!  

Of course Greebo can't sell them by calling them "The Ninja Turtles" but they sure did skirt around that issue.  They are being called, "Tartalar, Wartart and Villains collection."

Here are the images of the models I will be adding to my gaming closet and their proposed names. You know their real names so there is no need for me to list those.

 Shiju, the blade master

 Wartart with Sai

 Wartart with Bo

 Wartart with Katana

 Wartart with Nunchaku

Yosu, the rat master

I am considering giving these models a paint job that makes them look like a black and white comic book and then coloring just their masks.  I may use red for each turtle like they did in the original comics.  I can't wait to receive these minis and put them to good use within all of my games.  The Shredder, oh I meant to say, Shiju, the blade master is my favorite!

Here are more detailed photos of each of the above models:

Friday the 13th Special: Nintendo 3DS xl Retro NES Edition Unboxing

I decided to make a fun and entertaining un-boxing video for Friday the 13th! This one is a little different from what I have been working on lately and it was a nice break from my typical projects. I hope you enjoy this video. If you can identify the exact video game that was used in the creation of this video, please let me know in the comment section.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Reaper Bones Bonesylvania Kickstarter has been Delivered

I received the Reaper Bones Miniatures Kickstarter award yesterday.  Man oh Man this bundle is huge and has hundreds of random models.  I am going to be painting and basing for decades to come. When ordering games on Kickstarter, one has to be extremely patient.  I submitted my pledge for this Kickstarter campaign in October of 2013.  I received my shipment on 3/2/15.  It's a good thing I have a high level of patience and so many other models to paint and many film projects to keep me busy while I wait for Kickstarter campaigns to be fulfilled.  Now that I think about it, I don't even have time to play any of my games.  

I selected the Bonesylvania Kickstarter Core Set and the Bonesylvania Expansion Set #1.  It's amazing how they were able to fit so many models into these two small/thin boxes.

These models will work well with many of my current games.  I can foresee many of these minis being used with HeroQuest.    I am also hoping to use these minis in my own game that I am currently writing.  I can even look through these models and I am sure an idea may be sparked for a game I haven't even thought of yet.  The opportunities are endless with these sets of miniatures.